Computing Curriculum

At BSJS we are preparing our children to be computational thinkers in order to be able to implement technology as an aid to learning and to stretch their understanding of how computers can be utilized for our changing needs.
It is important for us that children are safely able to navigate and make considerate choices in an increasingly connected digital society.
Our computing curriculum is based on Purple Mash which meets the needs of the National Curriculum for what children are expected to learn by the end of KS2.
Our Computing lead - Mark Dawson - is confident in our curriculum - considering how it is sequenced and progresses from year 3 to year 6.
​Mark has also reflected how our curriculum meets the needs of all our children, including SEND:
​Each long-term plan is broken down further into medium and lesson-by-lesson plans, complete with objectives, success criteria and vocabulary. The sequence is clear for each unit of work, with tutorial videos for teachers and a detailed lesson structures to build confidences:​
There are also Knowledge Organisers to provide an overview, vocabulary and reflection questions for our children.
With assessment activities built in and descriptors for teachers refer to, they can feel confident in their judgements.
All of this and more, is contained in Mark's subject leader report.​​​​